Monday, March 1, 2010

Philip Leslie Graham

Philip Leslie Graham (July 18, 1915 – August 3, 1963) was an American publisher and businessman. He was the publisher (from 1946 until his death) and co-owner (from 1948) of The Washington Post. He was married to Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington Post. He grew up as a Methodist in Miami, graduated from Harvard Law School, and clerked at the Supreme Court. After Military service in WWI, he joined the Washington Post. Eugene Meyer (wife Agnes) had bought the bankrupt Washington Post in 1933 and retired in 1948, giving the paper to Phil and his daughter Kay Meyer.

Eugene died in 1959. Phil, as a publisher hired brilliant writers, bought radio and TV stations, made the Newspaper profitable by merging it with the Washington Times-Herald in 1954, and obtained Newsweek in 1961.He was a liberal Democrat and was close to Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. He claimed credit for the winning ticket in 1960. He was a manic depressive, many mood swings - also a chainsmoker, an alcoholic, and a womanizer, he and JFK whored together.

In 1963, at a publishers meeting in Phoenix, a drunken Phil grabbed the microphone and began to talk about JFK's ongoing affair w/ Mary Meyers (not related to Eugene and Agnes). Mary was a WASP and an artist. Her sister was married to a journalist who frequently socialized w/ the Kennedy's.

Phil was checked into a hospital. A few months later he dined with Kay and after shot himself.

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