Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kennedy and the Promise of the Sixties Book

Note from the Kennedy Book:
pg. 2 - Hoover, Hershey, Meany, Spellman
pg. 3 - Sometimes the 50's were called the Great Barbecue
pg. 4 - On Baby Boomers
pg. 10 - J. Edgar Hoover followed JFK's romance with Inga Arvad (before he was president). A 700 pg. file later got him the FBI director job.
pg. 9 - JFK made money from his England Paper "Why England Slept". Thesis was about England failing to prepare from War World II. The money from the Thesis bought him a RED Buick.
pg. 9 - While healing from a back operation in 1955, JFK produced, with lots of help from his assistant Theodore Sorensen, "Profiles in Courage". This book won him the Pulitzer. The book helped Kennedy earn national recognition.
pg. 9 - Rose (JFK's mom) made household staff pay for their own cup of coffee.
pg. 11 - Kennedy was selling himself - IMAGE MAKING BASED ON POLLS! Wealth was crucial to the Kennedy's.
pg. 12 - Cultivating votes. Delegates at retail.
pg. 12 - JFK suffered from Addison's disease. Took cortisone to control adrenalin insufficiency.
pg. 14 - Won primary with 61% of vote. Humphrey quite primaries, Democrat runner.
pg. 15 - Politician as celebrity was being created.
pg. 16 - JFK picked Lyndon Johnson as his running mate. Liberals were opposed.
pg. 16 - Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge running for the G.O.P party (republicans)
pg. 17 - African-Americans shifted to Kennedy after he called MLK's wife after MLK was arrested.
pg. 17 - JFK got 68 % of the African-American votes.
pg. 18 - Narrowly beat Nixon. Election broke religious lines.
pg. 19 - JFK's administration people listed.
pg. 20 - Hub & Spoke system
pg. 23-4 - Cold War brought high taxes to many people
pg. 24 - Cold War was domination of post world war
pg. 25 - 1956 - FBI began cointelpro harass & destroy Communist party
pg. 27 - SANE - Sane Nuclear Policy
pg. 28 - about CUBAN war *Russia set up Nuclear Weapon plant in Cuba*
pg. 34 - JFK gets beat by Soviet Union Summit Meeting (people in Vienna)... wa?
pg. 35 - East Berlin people wanted tp get to West Berlin because the Economy was booming. So, the leader ordered a wall be built, dividing the two sides. This was to stop the flow of people.
pg. 38 - JFK and 6 of his problems
pg. 38 - Many people thought the chances of no war in the coming years was slim
pg. 39 - Communism was on everyones minds.
pg. 40 - By 1961 realized that nuclear superiority was meaningless.
pg. 43 - Dr. Strange Love <3
pg. 49 - JFK's ranks dropped because of the Missile Crisis. Once Russia pulled out nuclear weapons, JFK's poll ranking rose again.
pg. 51 - Hancock, Peterborough, Rindge quote.
pg. 54 - WSP - Women's Strike for Peace
pg. 55 - GREAT quote about war loving men...
pg. 56 - In 1962 - voting age was still age 21.
pg. 56 - SPU - Student Peace Union

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